4 November 2012

Soap and Glory Face Soap & Clarity Foaming Face Wash REVIEW

Soap & Glory Face Soap and Clarity Foaming Face Wash. For super clean, fresh & bright skin, you can rely on... FACE, SOAP & CLARITY™ Foaming Face Wash 150ml. A 3-in-1 daily detox Vitamin C facial wash.

After loving soap and glory products for so long, i have finally stumbled upon a product that i would like to give a big thumbs down to. 
First off, the packaging looks a little bit 'fancy' for my liking and doesn't give me the reassurance that it is gentle and simple for the skin. It kind of makes me feel like i will be putting alot of rubbish onto my skin which cannot possibly be good despite of the claims the tube makes.

The instruction was 'use a grape sized amount' and i used a pea sized as i thought it was sufficient product to wash my face with. Firstly, the consistency was very jelly-like and didn't seem to melt into my skin easily. Secondly, i felt that the beads within the gel was absolutely useless...they might aswell not have been there in the first place. I thought that a pea-sized amount was too much for me, let alone a grape sized amount so i think Soap and Glory got something seriously wrong there. The smell wasn't the unique Soap and glory smell that you get, but a strong scent of artificial fragrance that i can't really describe what it is and i am not a big fan of it.

Most importantly, after giving it a good lather around my face and rinsing it off, i felt no difference in my skin and it felt like i just used water to wet my face. This product had been sitting in my drawer since christmas and i finally thought that i would give it some love, but it has to be so awfully disappointing. I haven't really heard much about this face wash around the beauty community and i know why now. There are so much more other Soap and glory products that are worth the hype and the mention, but this one is just ridiculous in my opinion and i would love to try out their 'Peaches and clean' which has had many good things said about it. 

I have noticed that there are quite a few of positive opinions for this product online and i was quite surprised that on the boots website, this was rated quite highly. I accept that everybody has their own opinions because everybody's skin type and needs are different, but i really don't think i got along with this product personally. 

What is your favourite product from Soap and Glory?
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  1. Aww it's such a shame that you don't like this face wash. I haven't tried this before, but all the other S&G products I've tried, I have loved. Great review nevertheless. :)

  2. What a bummer, it was next on my next to try from S&G! The scrub your nose in it is awesome btw. Thanks for saving me money :)

  3. Thanks for the review, I won't be expecting much from this product but it's still S&G :O So hopefully it will work positively for me if I do buy it.

  4. aww, too bad it doesn't live up to your expectation~ I've always wanted to try soap & glory products as I have heard so much on them =)

  5. I have honestly never used this before. After reading this review, I might pass.


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